Born: New York, 1957
Lives and works in Oslo, Norway
Cell: +47 97 15 75 75
E-mail: [email protected]
2007-13 Professor and Head of Metalwork and Jewelry, Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO)
1995-02 Director, RAM gallery, Oslo
1992-93 Assistant professor, Inst. for Drawing; Ornament, Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO)
1989-92 Assistant professor, Metalwork and Jewelry, Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO)
1986-06 Periodically guest teacher and sensor, Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO)
1985 Workshop manager at «92nd. Street Y», NYC, USA
1985 Assistant for David Tisdale and Debra Fine Yohai, NYC, USA
1994 Goldsmith Certificate, Oslo
1994 Christiania Høyskole, Marketing and Finance, Oslo
1985 Haystack Mountain School for Crafts, Maine, USA
1984 SUNY New Paltz, Metal Art Department, New York, USA
1980-84 Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Metalwork and Jewelry, Oslo (KHIO)
2024,21,18,15 BRUDD, Oslo
2011 Internal Landscapes, RAM galleri, Oslo
2006 Variations, Gallery Format, Bergen
2006 Rotate, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo
2002 Shift, Akershus Art Centre, Lillestrøm
1997 Transparant, Tendenser, F-15, Jeløy, Moss
1995 Jewellery, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo
2025 Lerverk butik & galleri, Gotheburg, Sweden
2022 Ice Cold, Baltimore Jewlry Center, Maryland, USA
2022 Ice Cold, A-Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia
2021 A collection of Secrets, Current Obsession magasin for Jewellery Week Munich 2021
2021 A collection of Secrets, ITÄ Art Centre East, Lappeenranta, Finland
2020 A collection of Secrets, Pop-up utstilling, CYAN galleri, Oslo
2020 A collection of Secrets, Athens Jewelry Week, Greece, Digital visning
2019 Beauty Box, Holmestrand kunstforening, Holmestrand museum
2019 Beauty Box, Vestfold kunstsenter, Tønsberg
2018 JULEPOP-UP ARKIVET med venner, Portable project space, Oslo
2018 Beauty Box, Athens Jewelry Week, Greece
2017 Worthless, Kraft - Rom for Art, Bergen
2017 Worthless, Athens Jewelry Week, Greece
2017 Worthless, Fredrikstad kunstforening, Fredrikstad
2017 Bergen Art Book Fair, ARKIVET invited to participate with the catalogue Worthless, Norway
2016 Worthless Møre og Romsdal kunstsenter, Molde
2015 Anarki Christmas exhibition, Akershus Kunstsenter, Lillestrøm
2015 Herbarium at Norway Designs NÅ, Vol.2, Skala, Oslo
2015 Is this my place?, Hå gamle Prestegård, Jæren
2015 Is this my place?, Ausstellungsraum Sommer-Solheim, München during Jewelry Week Munich
2015 Is this my place?, Kunstbanken Hedmark Kunstsenter, Hamar
EXHIBITIONS ( selected )
Yearly Christmas exhibition, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo
2023 Med guldkant på, Five Nordic jewelry artists, Nääs Konsthantverk, Floda, Sverige
2022 Galleri Fjordheim, Biri
2020 Norwegian Bling, SORGENFRI, Oslo
2019 Everyone Says Hello, International jewelry art exhibition in collaboration with Norwegian Crafts. Curator: Lars Sture
2018 Presentation of Norwegian jewelry art, Project room, Galleri FORMAT, Oslo
2017 Samtale10, KHÅK kunsthall, Ålesund
2015 Koblinger, BRUDD, 30 year, BRUDD, Oslo
2015 The Norwegian Association for Arts and Crafts: 40 year jubilee (1975-2015) BRUDD: The grand treasure hunt, Oslo
2014 Anarki Christmas exhibition, Akershus Kunstsenter, Lillestrøm
2014 BRUDD til Sverige, Arvika Konsthall, Sweden
2014 BRUDD i Kirkeristen, Oslo
2014 BRUDD med Grunnloven, Oslo
2013 Window display, BRUDD, Oslo
2013 FRAME section of Schmuck w/ Galleri FORMAT, Munich, Germany
2013 Windows, Rådhusplassen, Oslo
2013 Yours Sincerely, BRUDD, Oslo
2012 COLLECT w/ Galleri FORMAT, Satchi Gallery, London
2011 International Metal Art Exhibition, Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
2011 Møre og Romsdal Art Centre, Molde
2011-13 PARADIGM, Mimara Museum, Zagreb, Croatia, Sofia Arsenale Museum for Contemporary Art, Bulgaria, NUUK Art Museum, Greenland,
BHM Budapest Galeria, Budapest, Galerie Collection, Ateliers d´Art de France, Paris, Design Vlaanderen, Brussel, Belgia, The National
Craft Gallery, Kilkenny, Irland, ULUV, Bratislava, Slovakia, Icheon Cerapia Pavilion; in connection with the 7th Gyeongi International
Ceramic Biennale, Sør Korea, Hönnunarsafn, Islands Museum of Design and Applied Art
2010 Smykk meg, juried traveling exhibition, The Norwegian Goldsmith Association
2010 BRUDD 2010, 25 year jubilee, Oslo
2009 20 years jubilee, Expo Arte jewellery gallery, Oslo
2009 15 jewellery artists, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo
2009 International Metal Art Exhibition, Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
2008 Kunst rett Vest, Arena Vestfossen
2008 COLLECT, Victoria & Albert Museum, London
2006 The Rhythm of Light, Museum Cork City Museum, Ireland, Nordenfjeldske Museum of Applied Arts, Trondheim
2006 In from the North, Gallery The Yard, Nijmegen, Nederland
2006 20 years jubilee, Akershus Art Centre, Lillestrøm
2006 TRANSFORM, Sørlandet Art Museum, Kristiansand
2005 Contemporary Norwegian Craft, Flow Gallery, London
2004/05 Schmuck und Kunsthandwerk, Grassimuseum, Leipzig, Germany
2004 Nordic Cool: Hot Women Designers, The National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington DC, USA
2003-06 Norwegian Contemporary Jewellery, The Museum of Arts Crafts, Itami and Gallery YU, Tokyo, Japan, Crafts Council of Ireland, Kilkenny,
Ireland, Galeria Marcolongo, Padova, Italy, Galerie Marzee, Niemegen, The Netherlands
2001-04 MICROMEGAS- Jewellery-Pin Exhibition; Bayerisher Kunstgewerbeverein E.V., Munich; Germany, The American Craft Museum, NYC,
Hiko Mizuno College of Jewelry, Tokyo, Japan, Musée de l´horlogerie et de lémaillerie, Genéve, Sveits, Powerhouse Museum, Australia
1999/00 Svingninger, regional exhibition, Telemarks Fylkesgalleri, Drammen Museum, Haugar Art Centre
1999 Åse Kleveland - kultur 2000, Expo Arte jewellery gallery, Oslo
1999 Sølv i fortid - Sølv i nåtid, Norwegian Mining Museum, Kongsberg
1999 La renaissance du bijou, Galerie Piltzer, Paris
1998 SOFA 1998, New York, USA
1996-97 1.Nordic Jewellery Triennial, Museums of Applied Art in the Nordic countrie
1996-97 Repetition II, travelling exhibition USA
1996 Bijoux et orfèvrerie de créateurs, Les Musées de Cagnes-Sur Mer, France
1995 Brytninger, Nordenfjeldske Museum of Applied Art, Trondheim
1994 Art-94, Heimdal, Trondheim
1994-99 The Nordenfjeldske Museum of Applied Arts collection of jewellery; Rome, Copenhagen, Prague, St. Petersburg, Athens, Trondheim, Bucharest
1994 Norsk kunsthåndverk, Bodø Art Centre
1994 In Touch, International Art Craft, Maihaugen, Lillehammer
1993 Rings, Gallery Format, Oslo
1993 Norwegian Jewellery and objects, Galleri Metall, Copenhagen, Denmark
1992 Scandinavian Jewellery, Electrum Gallery, London
1992 lll éme triennale du Bioux, Musée des Arts decoratifs, Louvre, Paris
1992 Midsummer Jewellery, Tactus, Copenhagen, Denmark
1991 Tyholmen gallery w/ Liv Blåvarp, Arendal
1991 Jewellery, BRUDD kunsthåndverk, Oslo
1991 Joias da Noruega, Galeria Artefacto 3, Lisboa, Portugal
1990 Norwegishe Schmuck, Gallerie für Schmuck, Hilde Leiss, Hamburg, Germany
1990 Triennale Europeenne du Bijou, Museé de Luxemburg, Paris
1990 Jewellery and Tableshow, Gallery of Functional Art, Santa Monica, California, USA
1990 Schmuckzene 90, Munich, Germany
1989 Art Craft - Design, Kunstindustrimuseet i Oslo
1989 Norwegian Jewellery, Röhsska Konstlöjdmuseet, Gothenburg, Sweden
1989 June exhibition, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo
1987-88 Norwegian Jewellery, travelling exhibition, Japan, England, Scotland and Germany
1987 Gold, glass..., Galleri F-15, Jeløy, Moss
1987 Made in Norway, travelling exhibition, Delft, Enschede, Tilburg and Groningen, The Netherlands
1987 Nye, Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum, Trondheim
1987 Jugend Gestaltet, Munich, Germany
1986 Designs for the Body - New Norwegian Jewelry, ASF gallery, NYC, and VO gallery, Washington DC, USA
1986 Ny Norsk Kunsthåndverk, Tyholmen galleri, Arendal
1985 Contemporary Norwegian Jewellery, Binghamton, NY, USA
1985 Robots & Friends, Gayle Willson Gallery, Southhampton, NY, USA
1985 Jewellery -85, Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum, Trondheim
1984 Metal, Stones & Rags, fashion show, The Equitable Building, NYC, USA
1984 Jump and Turn Around, fashion show, Studio 26, Oslo
1984 Jewellery for the hairdresser's world championships in Las Vegas, USA
2009 Exhibition-09, The Museum of Applied Art in Oslo
2004 Triennial - Jewellery, Metal, Wood, The Museum of Applied Art in Oslo
2000 SE norsk kunsthåndverk, Gallery Format, Bergen
1991 Krysspunkt, Henie Onstad Art Centre
2000, 99, 98, 97, 96, 94, 93, 92, 90,87 Norsk Kunsthåndverk
2019 Hagasvingen Home for Mentally Retarded, Lørenskog
2005 Women - Child Centre, St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim
2004 Fantoft Care Home, Bergen
2000 Selected for competition of outdoor art at St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim
2011, 07, 06, 02, 97, 92, 91 The Norwegian Craft Acquisition fund
2011,03 The Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2006 SKMU Art Museum, Kristiansand
2005 The Radium Hospital Art Association, Oslo
2005,96 Akershus Art Centre
1995,91 The Norwegian Council of Culture
1991 The Museum of Applied Art in Oslo
1989 Röhsska Museum of Design and Applied Art, Gothenburg, Sweden
1987 Nordenfjeldske Museum of Applied Art, Trondheim
1987 Vestlandske Museum of Applied Art, Bergen
2007-24 Guaranteed wage for Artists
2005,88 The National scholarship for Artists, travel
2002,96 The Norwegian Council of Culture
2001-04 The National scholarship for Artists, 3 years
2000 The National scholarship for Artists, 3 mouths
1997 The National scholarship for Artists, 1 year
1995,92 The National scholarship for Artists, material
1995 The Norwegian Council of Culture, debut exhibition
1994 SND, The Norwegian Industrial and Regional Development Fund
1988 The Norwegian Council of Culture, equipment
1987 The National scholarship for Artists, establishment
1986 Johan Helmich Jansons and Marcia Jansons Legacy
2009 Gold, International Metal Art Exhibition, Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
2004 Oslo City Cultural Scholarship
1986 Honorary mentioned, David Andersen Design competition
1985 Honored by Haystake Mountain School of Crafts to the Quadrum Gallery Scholarship
WORKSHOPS (participated)
2018 RECINDENCY: Adornment and Gender: Engaging Conversation developed with artist, writer and curator Benjamin Lignel.
Collaboration with Praksis and Norwegian Crafts
2017 The Postcon Project, Teacher training II by Manuel Vilhena, Klagenfurt, Austria
2016 The Postcon Project, Teacher training I by Manuel Vilhena, Klagenfurt, Austria
2013 Hotweek; Sphere, Oslo National Academy of the Arts
2009 Dreamweaver, web application
2007 Sketchup, sketch tools for quick visualization in 3D
2004 Art Consultant, KORO Public Art Norway
1994 Christiania Høyskole, Business and Marketing, Oslo
1985 Haystake Mountain School for Crafts, Maine, USA
2023,24 BONO, member of the nomination committee,
2022 Committee leader for the National scholarship for Artists 2022
2019-20 Akershus Art Centre, member of the supervisory board
2017-21 Board-member of The Norwegian Assosiation of Arts and Crafts Funds
2013-19 Board-member of Oslo Open, open artist studios
2003 Committee Member for the National scholarship for Artists
2003-07 Boardmember for RSU Oslo and 2% Fund for public art in the Oslo region
1993-97 Selection Committee for The Norwegian Association of Arts and Crafts
1989-91 Board-member of RAM Gallery, Oslo
1988-91 Editorial Member for the journal Norwegian Kunsthåndverk
1987-91 Scholarship Committee Member, Humanities (Norwegian General Scientific Association)
1987-91 Board member of The Norwegian Assosiation of Arts and Crafts
2006 Triennale 06, Fabric - Fiber - Leather
2001 Public Art Competition; Lykkeberg park, Fredrikstad City Hall
2000 Design Competition 2000, The Norwegian Goldsmith Association
1999 Svingninger, Regional Exhibition
1998 Norsk Kunsthåndverk-98
1997 Award for Design, The Norwegian Design Council
1996 Design -96, The Norwegian Goldsmith Association
1995 Bra prosject, Sentrum Scene
1993 Visuelle Speile, Gestaltenes Handverk, Munich, Germany
2007-12 HOTWEEK, organizer, Oslo National Academy of the Arts
2010 Workshop teacher, Smycken så in i Norden, Tjörnedala, Simrishamn, Sweaborg, Sweden
1999 Workshop in development of ideas, The Goldsmiths workshop group, People's House, Oslo
1997,94 Extension of the concepts of design and materials, for The Norwegian Goldsmith Association
1993 International Jewelry Art, slide lecture, Drammen Evening School
1992 Introduction to anodizing aluminum, goldsmith school in Lathi, Finland
1991 International Jewelry Art, slide lecture, Adult Education Association, Oslo
1991 Panel discussion, the Goldsmith workshop days, Oslo
1991 Teacher at Sea Jewelry, an international jewelry workshop, Haraka Island, Helsinki, Finland
1988 Introduction to anodizing aluminum, Blaker Lærerskole i forming
1987 Introduction to anodizing aluminum, 3 art and jewelry schools in Helsinki, Finland
1986 Norwegian Jewellery, slide lectures at 5 USA universities
1985 Panel discussion, An International Exchange, SNAG (Society of North American Goldsmiths), Toronto, Canada
1984-95 Introduction to anodizing, Inst. for Metall, Oslo National Academy of the Arts
2006-11 Department of Informatics, Ole-Johan Dahl's House, University of Oslo, Lund Hagem Architects
Artists Vibeke Jensen, Bård Breivik, Patrik Entian, Tone Myskja, Beret Aksnes, Pascal Glissmann and Martina Höfflin
2005-06 University College of Gjøvik, Futhark Architects, Artist Børre Sæthre
2003 Culture House in Sandvika, Bærum, Architect Company Snøhetta, Artists Cathrine Maske and Intravision Group as
2000 Bekkelaget Primary School, Oslo, Artist Anette Koefoed
1999/00 Coordinator of Norwegian Alternatives, Inter American Development Bank, Washington D.C., USA
1993 Committee Member for LOOC, "In Touch", an International Art exhibition, Maihaugen, Lillehammer
1991 Consultant under the auspices of The Ministry of Culture of "Japan Jewellery and It's Tradition"
Nordenfjeldske Museum of Applied Art, Trondheim, Bryggens Museum, Bergen, The Museum of Applied Art in Oslo
1991 Coordinator of «Joias da Noruega», Gallerie Artefacto 3, Lisbon, Portugal
1990 Coordinator of «Norwegishe Schmuck», Galerie für Schmuck, Hilde Leiss, Hamburg, Germany
1988-89 Exhibition co-operation between The Norwegian Association of Art Craft and The Museum of Applied Art in Oslo.
«Tre Tanter med Følge», «Forfengelighetens Fyrverkeri», «Kunsthåndverk - Design», «Alle Ting er Tre»,
1987-88 Consultant for The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of "Norwegian Jewellery" and "Norwegian Textiles"
Marui Imai Department Store, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Takashimaya Department Store, Yokohama, Mikimoto Hall, Tokyo,
Seibu Department Store, Osaka, Japan, Electrum Gallery, London, England, The Scottish gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland,
Das Stat Museum, Dusseldorf, Germany
1986 Coordinator of «Designs for the Body. - New Norwegian Jewellery.»
ASF Gallery, NYC, Clodagh, Ross & Williams, NYC, V.O. Galerie, Washington D.C., USA
1986 Installation of «Jewellery Today», International Jewellery Exhibition, Galleri F-15, Jeløy, Moss
2011 "Internal Landscapes", editor
2006 "The Rhythm of Light", co-ordinator
2003 "Norwegian Contemporary Jewellery", editor
1993 "In Touch", co-editor
1990 "Norwegische Schmuck", editor
1988 "Norwegian Jewellery" and "Norwegian Textiles", editor
1986 "Designs for the Body. - New Norwegian Jewellery ", editor
2013 Petroglyph and 3-armed weight that illusitrates the marine ecosystem, for Kaldt Hav; Interactiv touring exhbition
2004 Smykketeatret, Oslo, collection of recurring patterns
2003 Project for Coca Cola billboard advertising
2017 Bergen Art Book Fair by Kraft with THE ARCHIVE catalog Worthless
2015 DEJM, Designernes eget julemarked, DOGA, Oslo
2018 ARKIVET volum 3: Beauty Box
2016 ARKIVET volum 2: Worthless
2015 ARKIVET volum1: Is this my place?
2011 Internal Landscapes; Sands of Time, text by Manuel Vilhena
2011 Paradigm, The Norwegian Foreign Affairs and The Norwegian Crafts Association
2010 The encycopedia of Wire Jewelry, Sara Withers
2009 Utstillingen09, The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo, Kunstindustrimuseet i Oslo
2009 The Compendium of Contemporary Jewellery Makers in two Volumes, Darling Publications, Germany
2009 2009 International Metal Art Exhibition, Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University, Beijing, Kina
2008 Collect, Victoria & Albert Museum, London
2006 Guide to Public Art St. Olavs Hospital, The Woman and Child center, Trondheim
2006 The Rhythm of Light, Cork Public Museum, Irland
2006 Transform, Sørlandets Art museum, Kristiansand
2005 Contemporary Norwegian Crafts, Flow gallery, London
2004 Arts and Care, The Public Art at Fantoft Care Home, Bergen
2004+01 Micromegas, Pin exhibition, Bayerisher Kunstgewerbeverein E.V., Munich, Germany
2004 Nordic Cool: Hot Women Designers, The National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington DC, USA
2003 Norwegian Contemporary Jewellery, travelexhibition, Japan, Irland, Italia, Nederland
2003 Public Art, as art consultant for Kulturhuset in Bærum
2002 Se - Norsk Kunsthåndverk, Format, Bergen
1999 Sølv i fortid – Sølv i nåtid, Norsk Bergverksmuseum
1999 La renaissance du bijou, Galerie Piltzer, Paris
1997 Tendenser, Galleri F-15, Jeløy Moss
1996 1. Nordiske Smykketriennale, Kunstindustrimusene in the Nordic countries
1995 Brytninger, Nordenfjeldske kunstindustrimuseum, Trondheim
1994 In Touch,International Art Crafts, OL - Lillehammer
1992 lll éme triennale du Bioux, Musée des Arts decoratifs, Louvre, Paris
1990 Norwegishe Schmuck, at Hilde Leiss gallery, Hamburg, Germany
1990 Triennale Europeenne du Bijou, Museé de Luxemburg, Paris
1990 Schmuckzene 90, Munich, Germany
1987 Norwegian Jewellery, travel exhibition Japan, England, Skottland, Tyskland
1987 Jugend Gestaltet, Munich, Germany
1986 Designs for the Body – New Norwegian Jewelry, NYC og Washington DC, USA
1984 Contemporary Arts of The World, Korea
2024 nr 1 Smykkekunst; Lengsel etter verkstedet by Ina Gravem Johansen, Magasinet KUNST
2021 A collection of Secrets, Current Obsession magasin for Jewellery Week Munich 2021
2020 nr. 3 En fordyping i Hemmeligheter by Ina Gravem Johansen, Magasinet KUNST
2017 Norwegian Craft paper - Contemporary Jewelry Part II Bodies photos page 22
2012 Gravity, hybrids and Internal organs, by André Gali, Norwegian Crafts
2011 nr. 2/3 Det indre teller, by Christer Dynna, Kunsthåndverk
2011, 4.mai Contemporary Ornamentation, by Marit Øydegard, Norwegian Crafts
2010 nr. 4 Gull og Ur
2009 Polski Jubiler, Polen
2006 Sirkler med vide konsentriske konsekvenser,by Christer Dynna, Kunsthåndverk
2006 Når sageøvelser blir kunst, by Reinhold Ziegler, Gullsmedkunst
2005 North Stars, Crafts, London
2004 nr. 92 Hot Women Designers, Sikk Sakk, Kunsthåndverk
2002 nr. 86 ”Klippe Klippe” sa kjerringa, by Lars Elton, Kunsthåndverk
2003 Millie Behrens chooses three things, Maison
2003/2004 Photo of fruit bowl, Maison
2001 nr. 80 Til München med nåler, Sikk Sakk, Kunsthåndverk
1997 nr. 66 Tendenser by Anne Schäffer, Kunsthåndverk
1996 nr. 10 Norsk kunsthåndverk 1996, Bonytt
1996 nr. 6-7 Suksess for Design konkurranse, Gullsmedkunst
1996 nr. 5 Notis, Henne
1995 nr. 9 Lufighet fra Heidi Sand, Gullsmedkunst,
1995 nr. 59 Smykkekunst, by Anne Schäffer, Kunsthåndverk
1994 okt. NGF-nytt; Fagdager, chooses three things Gullsmedkunst
1993 Groß und kostbar, Germany
1993 nr. 1 Wachgeküßt, Art Aurea, Germany
1993 nov Note, Vogue, Paris
1993 spring IIIéme Triennale du Bijou, Ornament, USA
1992 Yearly Artbook 1992
1991 Verkstedenes strategiske valg, Gullsmedkunst
1991 nr. 2 Norsk smykkekunst ute i verden, Portrett Heidi Sand, Gullsmedkunst
1989 nr. 34 Internasjonalisering og lokal forankring - Norsk smykkekunst i 80 årene, Kunsthåndverk
1990 nr. 10 Neuer Norwegischer Schmuck, GZ, Germany
1989 nr. 2 Forfengelighetens fyrverkeri, by Albert Steen, Norsk Husflid
1989 nr. 1 No Elk and no “God Form”, Art Aurea, Germany
1989 nov Norwegian Jewelry New Age Notions, Scanorama, SAS
1989 nr. 31 Norsk smykkekunst, Electrum Gallery, London, Kunsthåndverk
1988 nr. 4 Monthly Crafts, Korea
1988 nr. 28 Jewelry Styling, Japan
1988 nr. 30 If you can make it in New York, by Heidi Sand, Kunsthåndverk
1988 nr. 30 Norske smykker i Nederland, Kunsthåndverk
1987 nr. 12 Norske smykkekunstnere stiller ut i Japan, Gullsmedkunst
1987 nr.v1 Norsk smykkekunst i USA, Gullsmedkunst
1986 nr. 4 A Whacky, Daring Elegance, Art Aurea, Germany
1986 spring Designs for the Body, Metalsmith, USA
1986/87 Note, Designs for the body, American Crafts, USA
1986 winter Designs for the Body, Ornament, USA